1- Accounting and auditing services
- Preparing financial statements and final accounts.
- Auditing of accounts and commercial records.
- Preparing feasibility studies for all projects.
- Carry out periodic external oversight work.
- Analysis of the results of the financial statements.
- Preparation of final reports for activity management
- Providing financial, administrative and tax consultations.
2- Establishment and amendment services for companies
- Establishing Egyptian joint stock companies.
- Incorporation of limited liability companies.
- Incorporation of solidarity companies, recommendation.
- Establishing individual institutions.
- Procedures for establishing and amending companies at:
(Chambers of Commerce, the Egyptian Federation for Construction and Building Contractors, the General Authority for Export and Import Control, the General Investment Authority)
3- Tax services of all kinds (general - VAT - real estate)
- General income taxes:
(Prepare and review the financial statements before preparation, prepare the tax declaration, tax examination work for the declaration)
- VAT :
(Prepare and submit VAT returns, review sales and purchases invoices, vat checks)
- Taxes on wages and salaries:
(Preparing wage and salary adjustments for workers, preparing and submitting work-making declarations, checking wages and salaries taxes)
- Discount at source:
(Preparing and submitting deduction declarations at source, tax checks of deduction taxes at source)
4- Typical insurance and contracting services
- Social Insurance:
(Opening all files of companies and individuals, reviewing insurance wages, preparing, reviewing, delivering and following up the registration of insurance forms with the relevant office, following up the payment of monthly insurance contributions)
- Contracting insurance:
(Prepare and review contracting contracts before signing, open files for contracting contracts with the competent insurance office, review ratios due with the competent office, object to ratios estimated by the competent office, represent companies and contractors before the Technical Contracting Committee)
* All this and more offers you a selection of the most qualified lawyers, legal accountants and tax experts with many precedents for individuals, companies and institutions inside and outside the Arab Republic of Egypt.